They say a picture can convey as much meaning as a thousand words. But can poetry be pictured in the same way?

This long term project is centred on conveying photographically the spirit of Andalusia in Southern Spain, as described by Frederick Garcia Lorca. In 1922 Garcia Lorca published a suite of poems under the title Deep Song, in which describes his love for the culture, landscape and people of his native Andalusia. The poems resonate in the manner of the ‘cante condo’, thought to originate from the times of the Moorish occupation of Southern Spain.

This longterm project has been evolving over many years, ever since I read James Michiner’s book, Iberia. The mix of gypsy and Arab influences on the landscape and culture of its people, infused with strong religious faith, makes Andalusia like no other place I know.

Huerta de San Vicente, the home of Garcia Lorca from 1926 until his death at the hands of the Falangists in 1936. It was here that he wrote some of his most famous poems and plays.

Lorca was deeply moved by the flamenco song and dance of the gitanos.




Unseen Hereford